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Discover some excellent podcasts and video content being created by members of our church family!



The 'Scattered' podcast is available on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. You're warmly invited to join members of our church family - Helen, Mary, Juliette and Gill - as they serve God from different countries, chatting through the Bible chapter by chapter. The podcast focuses on the Bible passages being discussed in Community Groups.

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The Upper Room

Join Paul and Henry every Tuesday, as they chat about the Bible, theology and life. The guys discuss the current Sunday morning sermon series, answering questions from the church family and focusing in on cultural or theological topics from the passage. Each episode ends with a section called, ‘this time tomorrow’ helping us think specifically about how this teaching impacts our everyday lives. The Upper Room is also available on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.


Sermonise is a podcast where preachers talk about preaching. This is a podcast from Good News Broadcasting and is hosted by Tom Ward, a member at St Clement’s. In each episode, Tom invites a guest to talk about their experience of preaching, sermon prep secrets and personal challenges.

Whether or not you are a preacher yourself, you'll be fascinated to hear preachers from around the UK share the many and varied experiences and challenges of their roles, and their thoughts on the preaching in our churches today.

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YouTube Series

True Stories of God's Faithfulness

During the Covid-19 lockdown, a variety of church members at St Clement's filmed short testimonies sharing a time when God had been working in their lives - we called this series 'The Lord Is On Your Side'.


The series is a real encouragement of God's faithfulness in times of both difficulty and joy. You can check out the playlist on our YouTube channel by clicking the button below. 

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Be Still My Soul

'Be Still My Soul' began in Lockdown as a series of video-based reflections in the book of Psalms. The series has begun again and we hope to cover all 150 Psalms this time!

You can find a playlist of our most recent episodes on our YouTube channel. Just click the button below!

Kinyarwanda Bible Studies

St Clement's member, Angelique, produces her own Bible study material in Kinyarwanda. You can watch these on YouTube.

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St. Clement's Church Manchester M11 1HF | | Tel: 07737915353

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